Are you using the full potential of your campaigns? If you know that you could be generating more revenue than you are currently generating, or you just want to check how you are doing.
I have 6 simple checks for you that will help you see if you are really exploiting the potential of your campaigns.
1. Budget constraints
If you are limited by budget and have great results, there is nothing easier than simply increasing your budget. We receive this information self employed database in our email every day, which campaigns are limited by budget, and we also see data on their performance.
Of course, you can check this directly in the interface, but I would also recommend that you create your own column, where you will track the percentage of the budget spent.
2. Click share and impression share
Currently, I prefer to evaluate potential through click share. Impression share serves me more as secondary information your data and get to the heart and to paint a picture of where we are. Just look at where you have low click share and good results and boost there.
I explain how to set up such a column in the video PPC Mistakes – Limited by budget on our uLab Instagram.
3. Frequency on Meta
It’s also a good idea to look at CTR. If your CTR is very low, you’re definitely not using your full potential. Creative and how you portray the product you’re selling is key.
We saw CTRs of 0.2% and 1.9% for one china phone numbers company when advertising the same product (and none of the creatives had any extra promotions, they all just talked about the product). So if your CTR is lower than 0.7%, try to work on that.