contact name: Luba Stark
contact job function details: CEO, Co-Founder, and Creative Director
contact job function: stark
contact job title: luba
contact job seniority: entrepreneurship
contact person city: founder ceo creative
contact person state: founder
contact person country: New York
contact person zip code: New York
business name: United States
business domain:
business facebook URL: OYOBox
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
business angellist:
business found year:
business city:
business zip code: 2012
business state: New York
business country:
business language: United States
business employee: New York
business category: 2
business specialty: English
business technology: luxury goods & jewelry
rmc галиция 2024: вы приедете?
business description: high quality, versatility, gifts of ease, practical design, luxury goods & jewelry