Facebook offers a Shop feature make the most of it

Facebook recently launched a new Shop feature. It is the first swallow of shopping on social networks, from which we can expect great things. For example, that it will one day completely change the shopping behavior of Internet users. Why is it a good idea to pay attention to the Shop section on your FB page?

Although Facebook Shop has not yet fully developed its business potential, it still offers interesting opportunities to promote the products you have on your e-shop. Installation is relatively easy, you iraq email list can add a shop section as easily as a rating card or a link to Instagram.

It will appear not only in the left column under the profile, but also on the main page, from where the user can easily click on it.

Using XML Feed, you can easily import products from your e-shop into the Shop module , which will save you a lot of work uploading products and monitoring prices. However, if you only have a narrow range of products to offer, you can also upload them manually.

You can use the Shop module as your showcase.  Social networks are a great place to showcase your products and how much disk space are you using services in the best light, reach the most suitable users, and gain a completely new sales channel.

What’s next for the business?

Do you have the module installed? Great. But don’t leave it lying around. Now you can:

  • recommend the most interesting products ,
  • recommend products on sale ,
  • recommend themed products (Valentine’s Day, Christmas, holidays, etc.)
  • share products on Timeline
  • to get ratings 
  • communicate with  customers about  specific products
  • promote products
  • to acquire customers for your e-shop or brick-and-mortar store.

Ready to get more new contacts and customers from Facebook?

The great thing about all of this is cyprus business directory that you give people the opportunity to take that one step that often separates them from buying from your online store. You can let them look, think, and fall in love with one of the products. Facebook Shop is a place for customers to “window shop,” just like if they were walking down Pařížská.

Why would you want that?

Facebook Shop is free.  It’s a great way to let your fans know that you’re not just here to show them fun/cute/important Facebook offers pictures, but also to meet their needs .

It’s a great space to simply and without unnecessary “gimmicks” show the goods you’re proud of. Moreover, it can also work interestingly for services, because you can enter a specific offer in the Facebook Shop. So if you have a hair salon and cut ladies’ hair for 250 CZK, they will find out right here.

We can only recommend Facebook Facebook offers Shop. For a small investment, you get a lot of space to showcase your great products and services.

Did our tip interest you? Try Social Sprinters Academy and learn a lot more about business on Facebook. 


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