Rethink your attitude to mistakes and shortcomings

The first messages you receive from significant adults can impact both your self-esteem and self-worth.

However, you can improve:

focus on your achievements;
develop relationships with people who support you.


Reflection and intuition are important components in the thinking of an entrepreneur

Founder of the company OOO “AntiNorma

My youth was inextricably linked with hockey. At 14, I moved to the village of Wilcox, a real forge of hockey talent, where future NHL players are raised. This professional occupation required from me not only physical skill, but also constant analysis of my actions, reflection on mistakes and the desire for constant improvement. In the world of hockey, I became my own harsh critic, because every wrong move could affect the outcome of the entire game. At night, I analyzed my movements, and every failure became a reason for self-criticism. I wanted to become a more effective player and understood that the team’s success depended on my contribution.


Transferring reflection to business

This pattern of behavior attitude to dentist database mistakes became an involuntary habit, migrating into other areas of my life. In business, where reflection  is equally important, I realized that the fear of making an unthinking, illogical step limited my ability to experiment. Constant reflection became a brake on testing bold hypotheses and creative approaches to strategy. However, it is precisely these steps that can lead to the greatest results.


Gradually realizing that constant reflection

Can become a fetter for freedom not all possible expenses are us in the calculation: and creativity, I decided to change this pattern. It became necessary to learn to turn attitude to mistakes off the inner critic, turning to my intuition. This afb directory decision brought remarkable results. Understanding that the balance between reflection and intuition is the key to success and harmony helps me avoid extremes and find optimal solutions.


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