We accept them for what they are: normal parts of an online business. We are convinced that we can overcome difficulties on our own . And we dare to change something with our business. We want to make a difference. be effective. The positive effects of mindfulness in online business This is how it can sometimes go: We start by observing ourselves and accepting ourselves as we are, and in the end we realize: We can make a difference. But there are other benefits of mindfulness : We become more authentic in our business and marketing We find our voice and have the courage to share our message without blurring.

After all we know that whatever the reaction

We can deal wit strengthen   physical  mental health. We are connecte to our needs, respect our limits and thus prevent stress and exhaustion. Become productive – without being part of the hustle culture Spain Phone Number List We focus our online business on the long term and sustainability . We grow at our pace. Mindfulness as the start of a self-effective life Mindfulness is not a mere trend, it is not a self-optimization hype, it is not a selfish program of a narcissistic society, but rather the start of a self-effective, meaningful life as a self-employed person.

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It’s not about meditating more

Giving ourselves “me-time” or lighting a scented candle – it’s about nothing less than the courage to be ourselves in our online business . With all the needs, feelings, ideas, strengths, weaknesses, experiences, values DKB Directory ​​and boundaries that belong to us.How digital mindfulness saved my life Jan 31 This is a guest article by Rini Pegka. Rini’s heart beats for a more mindful life, and she passes this on in her coaching, courses and products. As a coach, she supports people in making courageous decisions, both privately and professionally.

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