Asking your clients for testimonials can be awkward. But you should do it! It’s great for your business.
We’ve got you covered with tips on how to ask for testimonials from your satisfied business customers. And trust me! many customers are willing to recommend you if you make it easy for them to do so.
We’ll go over 3 principles for soliciting testimonials! 7 examples of how to solicit them! and discuss how to use your collected testimonials.
After reading this blog! you will feel more confident about requesting B2B customer testimonials and using them to get more clients.
Reasons to start collecting customer testimonials
Why start collecting customer testimonials?
I’m glad you asked. There are many benefits to having chinese overseas africa database c ustomer testimonials on your website.
- People trust ordinary people
The power of testimonials is based on a psychological phenomenon called social proof . Social proof causes people to act like their peers.
Potential customers are more likely to believe authentic support from real customers rather than a company spokesperson or paid advertisements.
If YOU claim to provide “amazing customer service” and have “lots of happy customers!” even if you are very sincere! unfortunately people are not going to believe you.
But if they see positive online reviews and personal recommendations from real customers who show their name and face! they will be much more convinced.
Advertisement vs. Testimonial
- You can increase your website conversion
Offering testimonials on your website is better than simply we conducted market analysis relying on reviews from external review sites.
If someone visits your website! they are probably looking for more information about you and trying to decide whether or not to trust you.
By combining online testimonials with CTAs (calls to action)! you’ll be closer to landing a potential customer than if they had to find your website after reading an online review somewhere else.
- More sales
A written or video testimony can be the determining factor in reaching an agreement.
For example! check out this case study that saw a 32% increase in sales after adding video testimonials to their checkout page.
Check out these statistics on the power of testimonials.
why customer testimonials are effective
The perfect testimony request
The key component of all testimonial requests is: DO IT!
With that out of the way! here are some more tips for collecting testimonials:
Right time Ask at a time when your client is feeling generous and thailand data good about your collaboration. This could be after a successful meeting or after seeing positive results in performance metrics.
Platform Which platforms do your customers use most? Some companies spend time on social media! others may visit your website! and others may receive your newsletter. Choose your platforms wisely and don’t invest everything in just one.
Highlight positive energy When making a testimonial request! try to remind the client of the good times you’ve had together. This should help motivate them to give a positive testimonial. “We’re glad you enjoyed our software. It sounds like you were able to get a lot out of it. Would you like to say a few words about our journey together?”
Also check out specific tips for getting video testimonials from B2B customers .
Now that you know these three basic components of a successful testimonial request! you can collect testimonials like a pro.
Advertisement And Testimonial
How to ask for testimonials – 7 examples
I’ve listed 7 tips and strategies to help you ask for good testimonials. Make your own version!
- Ask several times
You may not get an answer when you first ask. Maybe the situation is not ripe enough yet! ask later.
It’s also important to offer multiple opportunities to give testimonials during a single visit to your website! for example. If the only way to provide feedback is hidden somewhere on the page! it can go unnoticed.