Karla Fichter karla

contact name: Karla Fichter
contact job function details: Ceo / Co-owner
contact job function: fichter

contact job title: karla

contact job seniority:

contact person city: ceo co

contact person state: owner

contact person country: Rochester

contact person zip code: New York

business name: United States

business domain: 14623

business facebook URL: Diamond Paper Box Company

business linkedin: diamondpkg.com

business twitter: https://www.facebook.com/diamondpackaging

business website: http://www.linkedin.com/company/51666

cameroon email list

business angellist: https://www.twitter.com/diamondpkg

business found year: http://www.diamondpackaging.com

business city:

business zip code: 1911

business state: Rochester

business country: 14623

business language: United States

business employee: New York

business category: 59

business specialty: English

business technology: packaging & containers

Что такое договор гонорара и как его можно автоматизировать в своем бизнесе? Автор Лиана Пессоа

business description: awardwinning structural design, foil stamping, trucolor ecg, embossing, uv sheetfed offset printing, die cutting, uv & specialty coatings, windowing, liquid metal & mirafoil coating, gluing, cast & cure holographic effects, product launch expertise, packaging and containers

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