contact name: Mark Kruger
contact job function details: Founder and CEO
contact job function: kruger
contact job title: mark
contact job seniority: entrepreneurship
contact person city: founder ceo
contact person state: founder
contact person country: Omaha
contact person zip code: Nebraska
business name: United States
business domain:
business facebook URL: CF Webtools
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
business angellist:
business found year:
business city:
business zip code: 1999
business state: Omaha
business country:
business language: United States
business employee: Nebraska
business category: 19
business specialty:
business technology: information technology & services
воспитание лидов или как направить потенциальных клиентов к покупке?
business description: hosting, aws certified technicians, client portal support, sophisticated web applications, mobile app design, legacy cf code support, web site design, ecommerce, maintenance service plans, it consultation, it infrastructure, information technology and services