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It is also advisable to use images in posts to attract attention and provide general clarity. The recommend , image size is 537×240. In addition, the text of the post should be concise and informative so that customers want to read it to the end. It is good if the first two sentences are able to catch the attention of users, so they should add some intrigue or a brief description of what will be present , next.
Choosing an Icon for a Logo: Tips
A correctly chosen icon can tell users about the specifics of the company, as well as the main products sold. This image also albania phone number library makes the logo more attractive and harmonious.
Below are some basic guidelines for choosing an icon for your brand .
- Choose a simple icon
Choose simple icons
Icons that are too busy tend to repel attention rather than attract it. If an icon uses too many elements, the overall picture is spoil , and the main message becomes unclear. Therefore, it is advisable to give preference to simple, but logical and well-thought-out icons.
- Consider functionality
Not all logos retain their bad habits of parents readability due to the use of icons, which are completely unsuitable for implementation in large sizes. In addition, the brand sign is often us , in outdoor advertising, as well as on products. Therefore, you should consider the format of the logo that you plan to actively implement in your business.
- Select the appropriate icon
Select the appropriate icon
The icon you use should relate estonia leads to your business’s area of activity. For example, an icon with an image of animals is perfect for a veterinary clinic. For a car dealership, it is optimal to use a car, steering wheel, etc. in the logo. The main thing is that the icon should clearly reflect the goods or services the company sells.
If your brand does not have a specific product, you can use abstract images.
The font is of great importance for a brand sign, as it can convey the quality level of the goods, the experience of the company and even the price category of the products